60-265     Computer Architecture I: Digital Design     Fall 2012


Laboratory (All sections)








Below are listed the laboratory exercises to be completed in the assigned Laboratory Sections.





Sample Answers – Fall 2012



 Introductory laboratory.





Lab 1 answers



 Working with Boolean Logic Expressions

Lab 2 answers



 Karnaugh Maps

Lab 3 answers



 Combinational Circuit Design

Lab 4 answers



 Combinational Circuit Design: II

Lab 5 answers



 Sequential Circuit Design

Lab 6 answers



 Register Transfer Level (RTL) Logic

Lab 7 answers



 Instruction Cycle - Timing Logic

Lab 8 answers



 Machine Language Program Execution

Lab 9 answers



Tutorial and marking final project.




GA consulting during scheduled labs.




Laboratory Objectives:

·                     To provide an interactive learning environment where course related concepts may be discussed and technical and analytical skills developed and practiced.

·                     To evaluate student work as a measure of required technical and conceptual competency.


Marking procedure:

  1. 1 point is given for attending the lab.  Attendance will be taken by teaching staff during the laboratory period.  Students who leave the lab before attendance is taken will be marked as absent.  Attendance at laboratories is MANDATORY.
  2. Each lab exercise contains several questions (usually 4, some of them multi-part).  Based on completeness and correctness students may obtain a mark of 0 or more for their answers to each question. 


General Comments:

·                     The nature of the exercises is intended to provide both learning and practice in a range of techniques.  It is intended that the learning experience should be positive, but challenging.

·                     Each laboratory will concentrate on material covered in previous and current course lectures.

·                     Question topics may consist of mathematical and logic problems, elementary assembly language programming, simple C language programming of Assembler components, simple problems of simulation, circuit design and other types of issues. 

·                     Some C language programming may be required (Prereq: 60-140).  Typically these will involve small programs.  Editor and compiler tools are provided through terminal access to student accounts.

·                     Although the majority of questions will be at a basic level, some questions may be challenging.  In such cases students should obtain assistance from the teaching staff.

·                     It is important that each student perform their tasks independently.  Teaching staff are on hand to provide assistance and to promote learning.  Interaction between students is encouraged, but direct copying of results is not acceptable.

·                     During evaluation of work the teaching staff may ask students to orally explain their answers.  This is to ensure that students actually understand what they are doing and to remove incentive for direct copying.

·                     Students must have a University of Windsor UserID and Password to access internet facilities using provided terminals.  Materials provided on the course website or other sources accessible through browsers may be useful during the lab.  Students are encouraged to use these resources, but are cautioned against trying to find answers in place of studying examples and looking for basic concepts and techniques.

·                     Report problems to the Laboratory Instructor or to teaching staff.



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